Join the testnet of Greenerchain
GreenerChain welcomes all Web 3.0 users to join our testnet and use products developed on our blockchain.
How does it works ?
Install Metamask

Install GreenerChain Testnet

Create your Dapps and Smart Contracts

Get your nft
Every users that will interact and use our testnet, will automatically be eligible to receive an exclusive NFT. These exclusive NFTs will give benefits to its holders in the greenercoin eco-system and future decentralized appplications. If you want to receive your NFT you need to :
1. Import our testnet on your wallet
2. Make at least one transaction
About our Blockchain

GreenerChain is the 1st green alternative blockchain that encourages miners to mine in an eco-responsible and sustainable way.
GreenerChain’s infrastructures offer a high level of performance and security. We use blockchain technology to meet the needs of real-world applications.
Using our testnet will help you gain knowledge of GreeneChain operations and prepare you for the launch of the mainnet.

They are building on GreenerChain
FAQ Project
1. How long will the testnet of GreenerChain last ?
The testnet will be live until the launch of GreenerChain Mainnet which will be live in Q3 2024.
2. How can I obtain test GNC tokens ?
Our testnet is gas free which means you don’t need any GNC test tokens.
3. What do I need to do as a testnet participant ?
As a testnet participant, you will need to :
- Connect your MetaMask Wallet.
- Select the ‘Include Testnets’ checkbox.
- Type in GreenerChain informations in the search bar and find our testnet to connect to it.
- Select ‘Add to MetaMask’ and GreenerChain Testnet will be added to your wallet.
4. How can I receive NFTs from a project built on GreenerChain ?
Any users that will interact and use our testnet will receive an NFT that carries benefits. Web 3.0 projects, companies and users who will build decentralized applications, tokens and web 3.0 solutions will receive a special NFT with exclusif benefits as well.
5. What informations do I need for the testnet ?
In order to successfully import the testnet you will need the following informations :
- Network Name : Greenercoin
- Chain ID : 137513
- Currency : GNC
How to get involved
Contact us and see how we can work together